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Colors of Flowers | Comments |
COLORATION OF PLANTS: As Indicative of Flower Color Crosses made to produce red or dark off-spring produce plants indicative of the color at the seedling stage and can be culled or selected by the experienced grower. OA79-87 | 0 |
COLORS IN FLOWERING: Judging of Hues The American Orchid Society and the American Horticulture Council adopted the Nickerson Color Fan (Maxima Chroma -- 40 Hues) for color descriptions in awards, etc. A58-108 | 0 |
COLORS IN FLOWERING: Treatment with Sunlight As buds emerge, reds, browns, dark pinks and strong yellows deepen and strengthen under strong sunlight; whites, pastels should be shaded and greens heavily so; applies to cymbidiums mostly. OR77-348 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: Analysis For details on genetic controls, chemistry, strategies in breeding for red and other colors, plus light-reflecting epidermal jewels and "hairs"; light quality and judging flowers by it, also, color photography; refer to SA86Sept-109 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: "Art Shades" Meaning Usually anything that has unusual colors or combination of colors; in cattleyas it means anything almost, not plain purple or white. A84-473 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: Describing of Flowers Problems of terminology and description in writing about colors; the variability of pigments and their value by consensus of opinion; genetics in albas, self-colors, concolors, peloric flowers and others, refer to AA86-89 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: Genetic and Cultural Interactions Chlorophyll, flavenoids and carotenoids are the different pigments mixed in different proportions, to provide flower colors and they are affected by factors such as light intensity, temperature, type of fertilizer, etc., refer to A83-1056; A85-1338 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: How to Enhance Them It is boosted by an acidic medium, as in tree fern, AU82-36 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: Red in Breeding Red in orchids is connected with smallness; fiery reds are tricky especially in oncidium breeding and lead to small flowers; most spots and splashes are red; out of a dozen flasks of a "red" cross one good red plant may result. NH78(1)6 | 0 |