Category: Orchid Doctor

PESTS: Control with Pesticides

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago For a review, refer to W1-459+ Read More


Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago It is common during cool, damp weather, with poor air circulation; most harmed by it are cattleya and phalaenopsis flowers; destroy all infected blossoms quickly, spray with benomyl (Benlate 50W) a... Read More

PETAL BLIGHT: Botrytis cinerea

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago It is confined to older flowers during cold damp weather; it is most common on various genera; small, circular spots often bordered by a delicate rim of pink; the imperfect stage Botrytis cinerea i... Read More

PETAL BLIGHT: Caused by Fungi Other Than Botrytis

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago 16 other fungi have been found as causes; many are saprophytes living on decaying leaves, flowers, potting mixes; all such must be removed from under benches and bench tops; periodical spraying of ... Read More

PH (GENERAL): Adjustment

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago How to bring it down to normal: do not use a sodium salt; the simplest thing is to use dilute phosphoric acid, at a few drops per gallon of water. A78-698 Read More

PH (GENERAL): Adjustment with Dolomite Limestone

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago If paphlopedilums are growing in a medium of 6.3 or lower a light top dressing is recommended; if pH is 7.6 or more, repot the plant. A80-229 Read More

PH (GENERAL): And Acidity

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago For results of tests, soil chemistry data, chemicals, availability chart of nutrients relative to a situation, refer to AU85(1)-10 Read More

PH (GENERAL): Buffering

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Most organic media have a high cation exchange and they buffer against nutrient and pH levels; for water, best growth follows the use of a pH level of 6 to 7. A85-1435 Read More

PH (GENERAL): Characteristics

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago What pH is; its effects; the ways to change it; how to measure it; for a review refer to AU74-119+ Read More

PH (GENERAL): Chemist's Term

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago It refers to "potential hydrogen ion concentration"; it denotes the acidity or basidity of liquids of the soil solution; the neutral point is 7, acid solutions are lower than 7, basic solutions are... Read More


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