Category: Ailments

Tips, Facts and Home Remedies

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Two Enthusiasts Share Ideas Concerning Orchids AS I HAVE NOTED BEFORE, THE newsletter editor is often an unsung hero in most orchid societies. Only those who have served in that capacity can a... Read More

Smart Pest Prevention

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Common-Sense Pest Management Ideas You Can Use THESE PARAGRAPHS ARE NOT ABOUT which remedy to use for various pests and diseases. Those decisions depend on many factors, including your orchid-... Read More

Good Grooming

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago How to Make Your Orchids Look Their Best BEFORE YOU PACK UP YOUR flowering orchids and head off to your orchid society’s show table or AOS judging center, or to enter the nearest orchid show, ... Read More

The “V” Word (Viruses)

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago A Troubling Problem for Orchids Growers THERE IS PROBABLY NO OTHER word that elicits more confusion and fear among experienced orchid growers than virus.  There seems to be no lack of exper... Read More

Harmful Effects of Common Orchid Pesticides

Author is Anu Dharmani, posted over 5 years ago We have been using pesticides and various other chemicals frequently to get rid of pests and diseases in plants, without realising the harmful effects of these chemicals. Now, studies and reports a... Read More

Orchids And The persistent Whitefly

Author is Anu Dharmani, posted about 6 years ago Most orchid species are susceptible to whiteflies. These insects are attracted to the softer parts of the plants, where they can easily suck the sap. These persistent pests have, unfortunately deve... Read More

PESTICIDES: Toxicity Ratings

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago For a list of pesticides in Australia, many of whi ch have strange trade names for common brands elsewhere, refer to AU87(3)-46 Read More

PETAL BLIGHT: Botrytis cinerea

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago It is confined to older flowers during cold damp weather; it is most common on various genera; small, circular spots often bordered by a delicate rim of pink; the imperfect stage Botrytis cinerea i... Read More

PESTICIDES: Phytotoxicity

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago It appears in five ways: as burn, on leaf tip, on leaf margin, on leaf surface, or bud; as necrosis, which is similar to burn; chlorosis which is a yellowing or bleaching effect, such as spotting t... Read More

BUDS: Turned Black on Cattleya Skinneri After Half-opening

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago Probably caused by too much cold. A76-206 Read More


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