Category: Orchid Doctor

SUBDUE: Pesticide

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago For fungal or bacterial rots which paphiopedilums are subject to; it is in a class with Physan and Natriphene; not registered for orchids. A85-397; A86-915; OIE88Apr-l Read More

SUBSTANCE: Definition

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Means the thickness of the flower parts, not the "texture". ODA72-135 Read More

SUCCULENT ORCHIDS: From Partly Drought Habitats

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago They have a special adaptation to climatic requirements of a six months dry season; examples are: Cattleya skinneri; Encyclia cordigera, Epidendrum stamfordianum, Vanda teres; Oncidium teres; Onc. ... Read More

SUGAR SOLUTION: For Soaking New Plants

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago It is approved; soak for one hour, rinse off before potting. A76-403; it usually helps plants get started. A79-584 Read More

SUGAR: Added to Fertilizer

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Do not use; it supports growth of saprophytic fungi on leaves and media. A66-842Sugar mixed with a foliar fertilizer applied with a Hozon; it will attract ants and cockroaches unless mixed with an ... Read More

SULPHUR: Characteristics

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago It is an essential element; usually represented in adequate quantities in tap water, in organic fertilizers and in single super phosphate. OA78-51 Read More

SULPHUR: Function

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago It occurs in proteins; a constituent of aromatic compounds; very mobile within the plant; as tissue ages it is moved to younger tissue. AU75-45 Read More

SUMP FOR HEAT RETENTION: Use of Rocks for Heating Economy

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Without adequate drainage built into the system, humidity problems will arise; disinfect thoroughly with Physan or Chlorine. A86-575 Read More

SUN CLEAR: To Eliminate Inside Drip

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Can be diluted with water and sprayed on to the inside surface of plastics; causes water to run freely down, without dripping in the greenhouse; supplier's address given. A76-403 Read More

SUN HEAT: In Mid-summer At Noon

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Calculation has shown that the sun will heat air inside a greenhouse at the rate of five deg.C. every minute; ventilation is needed, OR75-199 Read More


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