Category: Phalaenopsis

PHALAENOPSIS: Temperature Under Lights

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago A winter night temperature of 58 dF is lower than usually recommended for them, but in a mixed collection a lower temperature will help other genera such as cattleyas to bloom, so slight alteration... Read More

PHALAENOPSIS: Temperatures Day and Night

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago Optimal data gathered from controlled experiments showed that 68 nights and the same for the days, 68 deg, F. was optimal; others were: Cattleya trianae, 58 to 68 nights to 63 to 86 days; Cymbidium... Read More

PHALAENOPSIS: Temperatures for Flowering

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago It is induced by a period of cool nights at about 50 to 55 deg.F. A78-812; A78-998; from 55 to 60 deg. F. is advised. F74-68 Read More


Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago Give them 55 to 58 dF at night for three full weeks, also an increase in light of 25% (to 1250fc. ), with more air circulation to cool the leaves. A88-155 Read More

PHALAENOPSIS: With Small Leaves

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago It can be caused by root loss due to salt buildup, or genetic limitations, may cause stunted growth; repotting in a fresh mix and watering more seems to be called for. A87-1174 Read More

PHALAENOPSIS: Commercial Culture

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago A huge operation still contains pointers in its operation for the hobbyist: keep the roots wet on a sloped, water-soaked mat-table, use a fine potting mix of scoria and pine bark so capillary actio... Read More

PHALAENOPSIS: Continuous Blooming Not Advised

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago In South Florida summer conditions can be harsh and hot and there is a possibility the plant may dehydrate severely and damage may be irreversible; remove the inflorescence at the base. F82-55 Read More

PHALAENOPSIS: Cool Growing Them At 58 Deg.f.

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago The mix is bark, moss and charcoal; repot at 18 months intervals from February to October only; use crock on end for drainage; lower temperatures are harder on whites, for pinks most rewarding; low... Read More

PHALAENOPSIS: Cultural Cautions

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago Misting the leaves in hot steamy humidity can damage them; spent inflorescences can be cut back with a clean blade to a dormant node, and it can be left to store up energy to produce a new better b... Read More

PHALAENOPSIS: Culture for Beginners

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted over 7 years ago Flower stems can be cut off above a node to induce branching; keikis can be cut off with roots and planted; provide a minimum temperature of 15 dC (60 dF) but preferably a bit higher for optimal gr... Read More


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