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ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT: Flower Patterns Are Enhanced Under it

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago In nature the light is useful for orienting flying insects to the right flowers for pollination. A71-877 Read More

WARDIAN CASES: Lights Necessary for Case 5ft. X 4 X 3

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Use as many 40-watt fluorescent tubes as possible, maybe four, plus two 25-watt incandescents to provide red light; place the plants two to six inches from the lights; a small fan or blower is nece... Read More

BARK MIX: For Paphiopedilum Seedlings

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago 1 pt. seedling bark (one-eighth to one-quarter inch) 1 pt. very fine bark (0 to one-quarter inch); add 10 to 12 lbs. of coarse dolomite lime and 1 to 2 lbs. of 27-6-10 slow release fertilizer per c... Read More

STEMS: Weak in Paphiopedilums

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago P. bellatulum and P. concolor have naturally weak stems. A88-34 Read More

FOOT-CANDLES READING: By Means of Photographic Light Meter (weston Master)

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Read the light reflected from the surface of white blotting or type-writing paper without light from any other source; multiply the meter reading by four. A67-415; A74-34; Sekonic meter. A68-431 Read More

FOLIAR FEEDING: Through Leaves, Etc.

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago The cuticle areas of (non-orchid?) plants can absorb fertilizer; it can enter easily. C73-106 Read More


Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago At Kew it is mostly used in preference to fertilizing in the pots. OR87-7 Read More

FOLIAR FEEDING: With Water Soluble Fertilizers

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Use a mister or fine spray, especially on the undersides of leaves; 90% can be absorbed at the proper dilution; do not use in hot sun; do not use on newly potted plants before signs of activity. S114 Read More

FLOWERS, CUT: Shelf Life Improved

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Oncidium Golden Showers were sprayed with boric acid at lOOOppm. which significantly increased their shelf life; placing the stems in solutions of 250ppm boric acid extended their life by five days... Read More

BROWN ROT: Erwinia cypripedii

Author is Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler), posted almost 8 years ago Attacks paphiopedilums; bacterial brown rot starts as small roundish water-soaked yellow spots often in the middle of the leaf; changes to dark chestnut; may appear greasy; reaches growing point of... Read More


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