Newly Posted Articles

Performance Anxiety

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Determining What your Orchids Need to do Their Best WHEN YOU HAVE NURTURED FOR months an orchid plant that has previously bloomed, it is disappointing when a new growth fails to flower. The ma... Read More

Multiplication by Division

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago When Repotting, Consider the Benefits of Dividing Orchids MOST OF TODAY’S ORCHID growers do not remember the days before orchid mericlones were available. It was in the 1960s that it was disco... Read More

More Bang for the Buck

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Choosing Orchids that Offer Flowers Galore THERE ARE QUITE A FEW ORCHIDS that produce only a blossom or two at flowering time that are nevertheless well worth the effort to grow simply because... Read More

Lips Sweeter than Wine

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Orchid Flowers with a Painterly Touch Garner Praise FOR MANY, PURE WHITE FLOWERS of most any type represent floral perfection. There seems to be something unique and captivating about a white ... Read More

Lazy Days

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Tips for the Time-Challenged Orchid Grower HOBBY ORCHID GROWERS OFTEN have a tendency to amass rather large and diverse collections of plants over time, and it is not uncommon for the care and... Read More

Inside Out

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago It’s Time to Move Orchids Outdoors for Summer WHILE MOST OF US PROBABLY consider some types of orchids to be suitable houseplants and the majority to be greenhouse subjects, all of their ances... Read More

In the Mix

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Potting Media for Orchids are as Diverse as the Growers AS THE ROOTS THRIVE, SO THRIVES the plant. When repotting time rolls around, it is important to consider the moisture holding capacity a... Read More

Migrating the OrchidWiz Journal Between Computers

Author is Marianna, posted almost 4 years ago Connect external storage, ie USB, to the computer that has OrchidWiz Journal, computer 1.  Search this computer for OrchidWiz Journal folder (by default it is in the Document folder) (A).  Right... Read More

Odontoglossum luteopurpureum, alias Odontoglossum sceptrum

Author is Stig Dalström, posted about 4 years ago Odontoglossum luteopurpureum Lindl., is really a widely distributed and variable complex, or “superspecies”, that due to geographic isolation in some areas have developed a degree of sub-speciation... Read More

Odontoglossum deburghgraeveanum – A Natural Hybrid?

Author is Stig Dalström, posted about 4 years ago In response to the musings by Andy Easton that Odontoglossum deburghgraeveanum is a natural hybrid between Odm. harryanum and Odm. wyattianum, I just want to add some comments based on observations... Read More


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