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Tree Dwellers (Dendrobiums)

Posted by Sys Admin over 3 years ago Dendrobiums Offer Myriad Choices in Plant Size and Flower Color ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST diverse of orchid genera is Dendrobium, with various authors listing the number of species from abou... Read More

Tips, Facts and Home Remedies

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Two Enthusiasts Share Ideas Concerning Orchids AS I HAVE NOTED BEFORE, THE newsletter editor is often an unsung hero in most orchid societies. Only those who have served in that capacity can a... Read More

Theme and Variations (Show Displays)

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Varied Interpretations Heighten an Orchid Show’s Display WHEN A SPECIALTY PLANT SOCIETY sponsors a plant exhibition, it is not uncommon for the event to have a theme or title. This is particul... Read More

The Power of Paphs

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Slipper Orchids Cast a Spell Over Those Seeking the Unusual IT SEEMS THAT SPECIES AND hybrids from the genus Paphiopedilum, which are popularly called paphs, are orchids that many growers eith... Read More

The Orchids of Summer

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Searching for Hybrids and Species that Flower During the Summertime ORCHIDS, PARTICULARLY THE naturally occurring species, are generally seasonally blooming plants. With judicious selection, i... Read More

The Name Game

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Getting a Handle on Latin Nomenclature in the Orchid World FOR MANY, ONE OF SCIENCE’S major frustrations is the Latin binomial system that has been adopted for the naming of plants, animals an... Read More

The Art of Culling

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Improving Your Collection Through the Careful Process of Elimination SOME GROWERS PREFER ORCHID flowers as large and gaudy as possible, while others concentrate on those with blossoms so tiny ... Read More

Support Your Local Orchids (Species)

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Exploring for Orchids in Their Native Haunts THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT THE family Orchidaceae has achieved its greatest diversity and boldest expression in the tropical and subtropical regions... Read More

Staking Orchid Flowers

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Materials and Techniques for Proper Presentation of Orchids in Bloom  JUDICIOUS STAKING OF ORCHID flowers can greatly enhance their presentation and consequently their appreciation by viewers.... Read More

Smart Pest Prevention

Author is Ken Slump, posted over 3 years ago Common-Sense Pest Management Ideas You Can Use THESE PARAGRAPHS ARE NOT ABOUT which remedy to use for various pests and diseases. Those decisions depend on many factors, including your orchid-... Read More


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